sports performance training class

sports performance training class

Sports performance training at a base level is improving your overall performance in a sport which a lot of people look to as increasing your speed power explosiveness agility and reaction well this is true and this is sports performance training is also much broader than this. We talk about sports performance training as a baseline what it is is improving our overall performance in sport. And while athleticism is a huge part of this so is muscular structure overall bodyweight your lean body mass so how much you weigh without any fat. These are all things that we have to consider. If your lean body mass is 140 pounds but you have 60 pounds of fat on you and this might affect our overall ability to drastically improve our vertical. Holding onto so much useless fat that doesn’t help with performance at all might decrease the amount we can jump how quickly we can run and so on. Same with upper body muscle structure making sure that her upper body is strong and fit so that way it isn’t lacking against our lower body. Obviously and I say this myself upper body is something that can be overlooked sometimes when we’re looking to improve athleticism only because the majority of athleticism that we pay attention to comes from my lower body so sprinting jumping changes in direction. Making sure that you have a complete well-rounded training though is essential to make sure your sports training works. Next level athletics our major focuses on the overall development of our athletic capabilities so sprinting jumping changing direction this doesn’t mean we neglect the upper body we do focus on the upper body occasionally but it is our main focus with this I push our athletes to perform upper body movements regularly on their own to make sure they’re still developing their upper body overall strength. Facilitate and give me exercise and workouts and allow these kids to go and work on movements that help develop their upper body. So when you think about sports performance training we need to think about it and a few lights one of them being the athletic capabilities were trying to improve which I think generically is what the name sports performance training brings up and people. The second is overall body composition are we overweight as our weight making it more difficult to perform at the level we want to perform and we have to be honest with ourselves in the scenario. Are we working our upper body to make sure that we’re developing our entire body to be strong and have the most capabilities possible? And I’m putting all of these things together regularly to make sure that we can be the best well-rounded athlete possible through sports performance training and be ready to play at whatever level may come our way. The next level and Lennox we specialize in all of the sports performance training avenues I would love for you to come to try us out and see what we’re all about we’re offering a free week of sports performance training for anyone interested so please don’t hesitate and come in today.