
As an athlete figuring out your training schedule is going to be crucial and producing the results that you’re wanting. Based on the time of year the season of play and all other factors go training schedule should be changing. You can’t go 100% of your sport 100% a sports performance training and 100% on skill training and school year-round. Trying to do this it’s just gonna result in injury or burnout. So now you must figure out how the puzzle of working in performance training, School Training, the actual game, and school all maps out. For some athletes and rare occasions depending on the time of year, they can add an excess workload in one of these areas because of a moderate workload in others but you have to find this balance. So how would I structure it for this example let’s stick basketball season generally starts towards the beginning of October and end sometime in March. This means that from October to March your game level is extremely high. But as with any sports time of the season depicts aggressiveness of practice and workouts generally. Around October when the season starting you’re usually seeing a lot more conditioning and harder work in preparation for the season and in March you usually see a lesson workload overall because you’re nearing the end of the season. In this. You’re able to sprinkle in sports training as you see fit. Sports performance training in October might be a little bit more difficult for a basketball player because of the uptick in overall cardio and conditioning and preseason training you might see a higher exhaustion level for the athlete. This means adding sports performance training to already difficult practices condition and pick up it’s going to be difficult. So performance training might be more difficult at this time. The same could be true in March for sports training if you are finishing up your final run at the end of the season your overall workload for the past months has been high meaning your body‘s overall fatigue is increased so adding performance training with higher fatigue on your body it’s going to be difficult. Looked at it another way if you’re not a top performer on your team you’re not getting very much playing time so you don’t have the game reps that some others might you could probably stand to have a little bit more performance training sprinkle then as well skill training too. This is where the dosage changes for everyone depending on how much you play depending on what level you play depending on what time of the season it is all of these things change how much sports performance training you can put them play and how much rest time you need. And the next article we’ll dive even more into performance training and how you fit performance training into your during the season and off-season as always if you’re interested in sports performance training or have questions about what performance training even is please don’t hesitate to reach out we would love to connect you and bring you in for free sports performance training class.


sports performance training class

sports performance training class