
Speed and agility hurdles can be very beneficial for sports performance training. From the basics of sprinting through them and using them for in and out to even jumping. Being able to use hurdles efficiently for performance training it’s crucial to a good performance training facility. We use the hurdles very often to increase our overall speed acceleration and agility for sports training. The basics of hurtles like a forward hurdle sprint on the ladder hurdle sprint our key from the drive-by acceleration back down to the floor to increase ground contact time thus increasing your movement through the hurdles. It’s also pretty beneficial for body control making sure that you want to land where you want to land. We often utilize our hurdles from any other things like bunny hops or an in-and-out change of direction. For a change of direction, hurdles offer a different element than cones well being a little wider they require you to push out a little further and not just sweep around with one leg but actually get around with both feet. We also utilize a lateral hurdle run to a backwards jump often moving our feet quickly throughout the hurdles into an explosive backwards jump focusing on that explosive movement as well as balance.  performance training incorporates hurdles very often to maximize all of our abilities. As with all performance training and with all equipment at the source of everything is the knowledge of the facility. You can buy hurdles and you can buy Vertimax and cones but still not know what to do to properly utilize and maximize your performance training. If you’re interested in performance training or wanting more information on what performance training is please don’t hesitate to reach out next live off of us we specialize in sports performance training for athletes of all levels. On top of that your first sports performance training session is free! This means no commitment just come in and try our performance training to see if it’s a good fit to take your game to the next level.

sports performance training class

sports performance training class