
It’s important for any athlete looking in the sports performance training that they realize their body will be different than the rest. Just because you look at other athletes and other individuals that might have higher performance or aspects of performance that you want sports performance training might not get you to that level just purely because of genetics and who you are as a physical being. Make sure that you yes have goals and expectations by being sure these expectations and these goals are in line with what is possible as an athlete. Just because one individual trans one way or another individual trans another doesn’t mean that you can’t get the same outcome and it also doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing as someone else to get the desired outcome. At the end of the day, it comes out of so many factors at thinking that just that single controlled environment that you might be doing is going to be the secret to unlocking massive success just isn’t true. Now can this training be an incredible tool to develop you and it exponential way yes but don’t be bogged down by the idea of having to be exactly like another athlete. When it comes to a vertical jump if you want to have a 37-inch vertical jump but your 68 the odds of that happening are going to be less if you are not already being able to jump out of the gym. Same reply if you’re 56 but you see somebody that is 511 dunking well yes you possibly can get to the point where you can dunk it’s going to be much more difficult possibly take more time and just because you do what that other athlete is doing doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to get to that position. Training well very important isn’t always the only contributor to your overall development your genetics how hard you work how often you work and everything around your overall workload can drastically change and affect the outcome that you might receive. Make sure that you keep your eyes on the prize realize that others might move faster or slower than you do but as long as you stay persistent work hard and don’t get complacent you will be able to reach your goals. When it comes to sports performance Training in Next Level Athletics we specialize in developing athletes’ overall abilities while helping set logical and attainable goals giving your athletes the Atmos confidence to push their career to whatever level they want. Understanding that all athletes are different we’ve created a training program that accommodates all athletes giving them exactly what they need to develop their athleticism and take it to the next level if you’re interested in sports performance training I want to try some sports performance training at Next Level Athletics please do not hesitate to reach out we offer a free week of sports performance training before you sign up for anything. Get connected and learn while we’re the best sports performance Training Center in Tulsa.


Athlete Training class