
Sports Performance Training Tulsa – Studies have shown that multi-sport athletes are healthier and have more longevity in their athletic careers than single-sport athletes. This may sound funny to you and that’s understandable but when broken down it makes a lot of sense. Multisport athletes are required to play different sports that have different movement patterns. The movement patterns of basketball are much different than the movement patterns of soccer and are much different than the movement patterns of football. The main moves that you make the change are based on position but also based on the sport. Basketball being a more vertical up and down game we’re soccer is more of a horizontal forward-backward game. Moving in different ways puts different demands on muscle groups. The more muscle groups that you put different demands on the more versatile you become. You can now move in all planes of motion you have muscles that are strengthened in all planes of motion you are working with many different movement patterns all the time. This in comparison to someone who’s a single sport athlete and lives in the same movement patterns over and over and over again is vastly different. A single sport athlete does similar movements regularly which does mean that they get really good at those movements but it also means that they get weaker in other movements. This is where the injury prevention comes in the playa single sport athlete that is used to moving in one movement pattern when that is switched then becomes more susceptible to injury. Simply because their body isn’t used to that movement pattern. Whereas a multi-sport athlete is used to different movement patterns might’ve used that other movement pattern in a different sport ensuring more stability and more control. Also, come over usage with single-sport athletes using the same movements over and over you overwork those same muscle groups and they end up taking a beating. Mix that with lack of recovery and you have an injury. This is where our sports performance training at Next Level Athletics comes into play. Our sports performance training is all multisport training. We perform drills and movements that range across all sports if you’re a basketball player you will see drills that are you’re familiar with through basketball you will also see drills that you’re not familiar with through other sports like soccer tennis baseball and so on. By training for overall athleticism, we can do this without compromising the training. If our goal is to have a better quality of movements in all planes and jumping higher moving faster vertically horizontally will all play a factor in increasing our athleticism. Sport-specific sports performance training then just accentuate the problems that you’re already having if you’re a soccer player and you were only working the movement specific to you first off you’re going to see less of an increase in athleticism and second off you’re gonna see a heightened increase an injury. So what are your solutions? Well, first you can play multiple sports that are the simplest but also the most time-consuming. The other issue with playing multiple sports is because of the height and competitive nature of the world focusing on different sports could mean getting behind in another. If you play soccer basketball and baseball while the best competition is only playing basketball every time basketball season comes around the others will see an improved skill because they’ve been training all year where is yours might be more minimal because you’ve been playing other sports. Well, this isn’t a bad thing and I wouldn’t encourage not playing more sports because of this reason it could be something as you get later in your career that could hinder you. Your other alternative to this is safely maximizing your growth through sports performance training. This would allow you to train a single sport year-round without interruption while also getting the multi-sport training that comes with proper sports performance training. Like I said before a Next Level Athletics specializes in making sure that our sports performance training gets that multi-sport training component in your routine so you are healthier and have more longevity in your career. Essentially it is multi-sport training about having to play multiple sports. One thing that mini athletes say whenever they’re coming in to start Sports performance training with us is they they haven’t seen half the exercises we do here before. This is because of this multi-sport training element. Make sure you’re maximizing your workouts maximizing your gains while not overworking in the process but by doing multi-sport training you will see a healthier stronger and athlete with more longevity in their career. For more information about our sports performance training or the ways that we prevent injury don’t hesitate to contact us and get set up for a free session. We are the best sports performance training in Tulsa and we would love to help you reach your goals.

sports performance training class

sports performance training class